On Bernard Stiegler’s Confinement



Bernard Stiegler, Posthumanism, Prison, Reading, Technology


This short essay addresses the special theme topic of literary geographies in isolation by considering the question of confinement in the philosopher Bernard Stiegler's account of reading and technics in prison. Before his recent passing, Stiegler revisited this period of isolation in a Le Monde piece, speaking to the conditions of isolation imposed by Covid-19. This short essay offers a greater context to this piece in relation to Stiegler's philosophy, and considers, along with Stiegler, the potential of reading in transforming self, space, and society, in the Anthropocene.

Author Biography

C. Parker Krieg, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

C. Parker Krieg is postdoctoral researcher in environmental humanities at the University of Helsinki, affiliated with the Faculty of Arts and the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science.


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Stiegler, B. (1998) Technics and Time, 1: The Fault of Epimetheus. Trans. R. Beardsworth and G. Collins. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

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Thinking Space