Living in the Balkans: From ‘Caragea’s Plague’ to the Coronavirus Pandemic



pandemic, isolation, Balkan, Romanian Fiction, Caragea’s Plague


The present essay tackles, through a short geographic-historical- literary incursion, the manner in which isolation has functioned in the South-Eastern European area, in the Balkans, and more specifically, in the Romanian space. We analyse three directions relates to isolation and epidemics, in the Romanian and Balkan space; the first issue is concerning the collective consciousness in South-East Europe regarding the epidemic, the second one is about the double isolation of  individuals returning from labour in European Space, during these months of coronavirus pandemic and in the third place regards the relation of the Romanian peasant of the XIX-th century to the isol

Author Biography

Alina Bako, Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu

Department of Romance Studies


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Thinking Space